Team leader, Prof. Dr. Sara Bals

Received her MS degree from the University of Antwerp, Belgium in 1999. Next, she started a PhD study at the electron microscopy group (EMAT) at this university. During this period, she investigated superconducting thin films and tapes. After she received her PhD in 2003, she joined the National Center for Electron Microscopy at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley, California). During this period, she started electron tomography experiments at NCEM. After this postdoctoral stay in Berkeley, she returned to Antwerp where she is now a Full Professor. Her main research interest consists of the application and further development of electron tomography for advanced nanostructured materials. In 2013, she obtained an ERC Starting Grant entitled “Colouring Atoms in 3 Dimensions” (Colouratoms). This has allowed her to push the boundaries of electron tomography and resulted in a large number of important contributions in the field. Within the current ERC project, she will bring electron tomography closer monitoring in real-time and under realistic conditions nanomaterials relevant to future nanotechnology applications.

PhD students